
Does Your Business Have Curb Appeal?

June 2022

Let’s say you’re in the market for buying a house and you go to view one that looks appealing in the ad. How does it look on the inside? The outside? What about the location? What is your general impression? Like your house, your business projects an image to potential buyers. When they come to […]

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The Hidden Goal of the Smartest Business Owners

May 2022

 What are your business goals for the year? If you’re like most owners, you have a profit goal you want to hit. You may also have a top line revenue number that’s important to you. While those goals are important, there is another objective that may have an even bigger payoff: building a sellable business. […]

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3 Ways to Make Your Company More Valuable Than Your Industry Peers

April 2022

Have you ever wondered what determines the value of your business? Perhaps you’ve heard an industry rule of thumb and assumed that your company will be worth about the same as a similar size company in your industry. However, when we take a look at the data provided by The Value Builder System™, we’ve found […]

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 7 Things to Do Before Signing a Letter of Intent

March 2022

You may be years away from selling your business, but it’s never too early to understand what the process involves. If you have ever promised your child a treat in return for good behavior, you know all about negotiating leverage. When selling an attractive business, you also have leverage—but only up to the point where you […]

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