
5 Tips to Boost Your Sales Performance

July 2024

With 6 months of the calendar year behind us, the “dog days of summer” can be the perfect time to assess your team’s performance, set new goals and develop a plan to boost sales. Fortunately, there are specific steps you can take to enhance your sales performance and make the second half of the year […]

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AI Tools For Business: Reasons To Adopt Artificial Intelligence

June 2024

In the rapidly evolving digital age, AI tools are a powerful streamliner for businesses of all sizes. While large corporations have already begun to harness its potential, small to medium-sized companies can also benefit significantly from AI. Understanding how AI can be integrated into various aspects of your business is crucial for staying competitive and […]

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Visualize Success: 5 Reasons Data Visualization Matters

May 2024

Data Visualization: How Visualizing Data Allows Businesses to Visualize Success If you’re like most business owners, you’ve spent hours poring over spreadsheets and reams of data to gain a better understanding of issues that require attention. It can be a daunting process. Data visualization is a powerful tool that transforms all that raw data into […]

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From Dependency to Resilience: The Power of Customer Diversification

April 2024

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, having a diverse customer base is not just a strategic choice; it’s a necessity to ensure long-term success. Understanding the importance of customer diversification and implementing effective strategies to achieve it can significantly enhance your business’s resilience, growth prospects, and overall sustainability. In this article, we discuss the […]

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New Client Announcement: Ontario Genomics

March 2024

Effective April 1st, 2024, Stephen Cummings, CEO of Rizolve Partners, will step into the role of Interim CEO of Ontario Genomics (OG) on a part-time basis over the next six months. Under the direction of the OG Board of Directors and in close collaboration with company’s management team, Stephen will oversee OG’s strategic direction and […]

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The Power of Your Net Promoter Score in Driving Business Growth

March 2024

In today’s competitive business landscape, the importance of customer satisfaction cannot be overstated; it is a critical factor that can make or break your company. Happy customers are more likely to become loyal patrons, refer others, and contribute to your bottom line. But how do you measure customer satisfaction? One very effective way is the […]

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Winning the Sales Super Bowl: Crafting and Executing Your Sales Playbook

February 2024

In the world of sales, achieving success is akin to winning the Super Bowl. Just like a championship football team relies on a well-crafted playbook, sales teams benefit greatly from a strategic and comprehensive sales playbook. In this blog post, we’ll explore the parallels between coaching a Super Bowl team and creating a winning sales […]

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Talent Management: A Key Factor for Organizational Success and Growth

January 2024

As a private business owner, you know that your employees are your most valuable asset. They are the talent who drive your business forward, deliver quality products and services, and satisfy your customers. Having the right people in the right roles can propel results and define a company’s competitive edge, and “is an essential imperative […]

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Managing Your Business During Recessionary Times

December 2023

Recessionary times can be challenging for any business, but they also present opportunities to improve efficiency, innovation, and customer loyalty. There are strategies that business owners can adopt to not only survive but also ultimately thrive. Here are some ideas to help you prepare for and manage your business during challenging times: Manage your costs […]

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